I finally had some time to write this article about the illustrations I made for the ARede Yearbook for Bit Social and produced by Mandacaru Design from São Paulo.
The yearbook is dedicated to NGO and private sector projects related to the Internet and new technologies. Within this annual scenario are many projects dedicated to communities, schools and complementary courses where free software is predominantly used.
The illustration work was well articulated and organized by Manaíra Abreu - Mandacaru Design.
Some of the illustrations, mainly the A3 ones and the long ones that covered two pages took a long time due to the great amount of detail. Initially, I proposed sketches that were seen and approved by the responsible staff and served as a general line for the realization of the illustrations.
I produced a color palette in RGB safe for CMYK, this to maintain the same range of colors between the various illustrations.
A particularly detailed and lengthy job was done on the lettering where I tried to create different solutions depending on the word.
For those interested in some of the technical aspects of creating these illustrations, you can find them in the Forks And Drills.