Sometime ago I asked for my niece Cristine (daughter of my sister Cristina) to write a text for this work and now is the result. Maybe that she will writes other texts for my works... I'm so happy for this...
Think More +
Think more. Dream more.Think. Dream.
While are children think and dream to has the same meaning, because don't there are bounds to are dreams, ideas or plans. Today I´m can astronaut and tomorrow teacher. Don't is dangerous! However, we grow and whether before was synonymous now is your antonym, everything is inverted: dream is dangerous; is needed “keep your feet on the ground”.
But that isn't the only inversion. When were children dream in who would be; we grow and now we dream what would have. This distortion justify by reality demands, however is still a choice We choice to accommodate. We choice to consume. We choice don't be best!
The true, the mine true, we construct our reality ever moment with our thoughts, consciously or not, reflecting by our thoughts, dreams and actions. There aren't nothing wrong have a house, car, family, children and dog, but this should be conscious choice. Borrowing the word by Fernando Anitelli: don't accommodate with that the bothers. Is that. Allows that your dreams and thoughts grow with you and construct your reality!
Think more up. Dream more up. (or wish up?) Think more. Dream more. Think. Dream.
Text by Cristine Gobbo Menezes