Every now and then I think about this situation: adapting to the changing circumstances of the world and our way of life [surviving], and honestly it is difficult to continually re-propose in a world so uncertain and full of pitfalls but also of opportunities.
Sometimes it makes me think... that cutting off every channel of communication with the modern world is the wisest thing to let the spirit and one's choices live... sometimes quite the opposite: balance is needed, but it is always harder to have.
Perhaps largely due to our insistence on material things and sometimes of questionable usefulness, I'm not sure but I think this current model of ours is destined to succumb and I don't see clearly which model will come.
Even in my 'artistic' way of working, forced into the digital world, I find myself sometimes confused and without a defined path, 'balance' is needed, the problem is that with the passage of time, we too become more unstable even if more wise men, I hope that one fact compensates for the other.
However, while waiting for a better and more balanced world, I scribbled this drawing.